Treatment Consultants works directly with companies seeking qualified candidates. Please don’t hesitate to call us if you are thinking of leaving a position or searching for a new opportunity. While we don’t work to place individuals, we are always looking for outstanding candidates.
We promise confidentiality and encourage anyone in the industry to get in touch with us to see if there might be anything available, even if you’re just thinking of finding a new challenge. The more we get to know you, the better the chances are that we’ll call you for an interview.
So even if you’re not ready to leave your current position, send us your CV, chat with us on the phone and let’s get to know one another. We are always looking for the best people in the field!
If you are an industry professional looking to change positions but are in need of guidance on how to do so, contact us today. We provide coaching for clinicians who are interesting in learning to be managers, clinical directors interested in becoming executive directors and marketing representatives who would like to advance to a director of business development position.